As I was using a mixed-method design and got quite a lot of data for both quantitative and qualitative part of the research, I have to allocate more time for analysing my qualitative data. So, I need at least 6 months to complete my data analysis. And, I need more than 6 months for thesis writing. What can I say, I have planned, I have worked hard to meet my objectives but there is always something that is beyond my control. What I have been through so far was challenging enough for me:
- Transfer Uni & change supervisors - I had to do this because I had totally changed my initial research proposal. There were so many benefits that I got from this experience! At one viewpoint, it seems that I had a vision of the upcoming future because after 4 months I left my former uni, I got a sad news that one of my former supervsiors was passed away. He was the one who inspired me to search and locate the 'right' topic for my PhD research. I treasured every moment that I spent with him during our supervisory meetings. At another viewpoint, this is my destiny... I am happier and feel more supported at my current uni. Good bye Melbourne U...
- Temporary Single Mom - I had the experience of being a single mom for more than 3 months because my husband had to go back to Malaysia for his second fieldwork trip. So, my life was totally changed because I had to take care of two little boys during his absence. "Berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu yang memikul". This is one of the unwanted consequences of doing your phd under the 'spouse program' where you didn't have enough money and time because both husband and wife are doing their phd. My experiences as a temporary single mum (facebook)
- Spouse Program - I totally hate this program. How come you give partial scholarship to two PhD students from two different universities, commencing their studies at two different time/year and have to care for two pre-school children??? Childcare cost is very expensive coupled with demanding living expenses and yet you still have the same contract to comply??? For me, this spouse program is totally inhumane. Atleast, they should consider paying for childcare that we can fully concentrate on completing our studies. That would be fair enough!