Thursday, July 1, 2010

Commucating Research: Participation in Conferences

Good Day!
Today is the 1st of July. July is the month for sharing some of my preliminary findings with fellow researchers in the field of psychology and counselling. I know that I am miles away from completing my overall data analysis, but there is no harm in communicating some parts of my thesis based on the preliminary analyses, isn't it? So, here are some updates regarding my past, upcoming, and future participation in conferences. Hope some of you could come and help me to improve my current work-in-progress.

1  Global Education Systems Day 2010 (Theme: Higher Education: Current Issues and Challenges)
Date and Venue: 11 May 2010 Elizabeth Burchill Building 68, Monash University
Presentation Type: Oral research paper and poster
Title: Higher Education in Malaysia: Current Issues, Challenges and Hopes.

2 MERC Annual Conference 2010:  A Research Odyssey
Date and venue: 2 July 2010 Faculty of education, Monash university
Type: Individual oral paper
Title: Journeying towards becoming a multiculturally competent counselor: From practice to research and vice-versa.

3 XXth Congress of the International Association for Cross Cultural Psychology (IACCP)
Date and Venue: 7 – 10 July 2010 The University of Melbourne, Australia
Type: Individual research paper [accepted]
Title: Malaysian counselors engaging with culture and diversity in counselling culturally different clients

4 International Congress of Applied Psychology 2010 (ICAP2010)
Date and venue: 11 – 16 July 2010 Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre in Melbourne, Australia Type: Individual oral paper [accepted]
Title: A national survey of multicultural counseling competency in Malaysia: preliminary analyses

5 International Congress of Applied Psychology 2010 (ICAP2010)
Date and Venue: 11 – 16 July 2010 Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre in Melbourne, Australia Type: Brief oral presentation [accepted]
Title: Professional counsellors’ experiences and perceptions of multicultural counseling in Malaysia: A qualitative examination

6 The 5th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
Date and venue: 2 – 5 August 2010 Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK
Type: Virtual presentation [accepted]
Title: Multicultural counseling in Malaysia: How do Malaysian counsellors respond to power differential issues in the counseling context?

7 The APS College of Counselling Psychologists (Vic) State Conference 2010
Date and Venue: 12 November 2010 Treacy Conference Centre, Parkville, Melbourne
Type: Individual oral paper [accepted]
Title: Barriers and challenges in the practice of multicultural counselling in Malaysia

 By participating in these conferences, I hope to get some constructive feedback and comment on how to improve my current work-in-progress. With that, I thank you and see you at the conferences!