Thursday, June 3, 2010

Roadblock: Struggling with NVivo 8 after first-cycle coding

Oh! Dear...

I am having a mental block right now. Not just a mental block but it is also considered as ne of the many roadblocks in my PhD journey. Guess what? I have screened through all the open-ended responses from my survey and finished analysing four main questions in my Section C.

The problem is: I saved each one of the questions and its codings in a different NVivo project. In total, I have 4 NVivo projects! So now, I'm wondering how to make connections between all these separate projects. Have I done a major mistake here?
Pat (Bazeley, 2007) explains something regarding 'One or many projects?' but I have difficulty to translate his expalanation into my current work-in-progress. Oh! Dear... Oh! Dear... I don't want to re-do everything... I have analysed exactly 1784 statements given by survey participants and came up with suitables codes during my first-cycle coding. I truth, it was really a daunting experience. I had to push myself to complete it.

Dear God!
Grant me wisdom to solve this problem...Ameen.

"A mental block is either a repression of painful thoughts, or an inability to continue a train of thought, like in the case of writer's block. A similar phenomenon occurs when one cannot solve a problem in mathematics which one would normally consider simple. In the case of writer's block, many find it helpful to take a break and revisit their topic after taking time away from it."

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